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发布时间:2023-02-03 发布者: 浏览次数:

海南省创伤与灾难救援研究重点实验室于2015年9月通过海南省科技厅评审,正式设立。以创伤一体化救治、灾害医学应急救援为主要研究领域,以创伤、急救及灾难救援救治体系构建与评价、创伤救治的基础与应用研究、灾难救援与创伤救治相关药品、医疗材料和器械的研究为主要研究方向的专业实验室。已实现标准动物手术室、标准细胞室、外科手术室、材料制备和中试室、免疫组化室、医疗器材研发室等功能区的建设。各研究方向均有多项国家 级或省部级课题作为支撑,本实验室以创伤与灾难救援研究为特色、建有从分子到动物等各级水平生物安全与效果评价的研究测试平台。并且充分依托了国家紧急救援队(海南)、急诊与创伤临床医学中心、创伤医学教学、创伤急救临床服务点及创伤院士工作站等方面的资源,在海南省灾难与创伤发生机制、救援规律和标准化治疗等相关研究方面具有突出的优势。同时利用我省丰富的南药黎药等资源,开发相关急救药物、医疗器械或器具也是本实验室的另一优势特色。






Key Laboratory of Hainan Trauma and Disaster Rescue was officially established in September 2015 after receiving approval from Hainan Provincial Department of Science and Technology. The primary research areas are trauma integrated treatment and disaster medical emergency rescue, as well as the development and assessment of trauma, first aid, and disaster rescue treatment systems. The basic and applied research on trauma treatment, research on drugs, medical supplies, and equipment related to disaster rescue and trauma treatment. The primary research area is conducted in a specialized laboratory. Functional spaces such standard animal operating rooms, standard cell rooms, operating rooms for surgeries, material preparation and pilot test rooms, immunohistochemistry rooms, and research and development rooms for medical equipment have all been built. Many initiatives at the federal, state, or local levels fund various research directions. In addition to conducting research on trauma and disaster rescue, the facility has a platform for biosafety testing and effect evaluation at the atomic, molecular, and animal levels. Additionally, fully utilizing the capabilities of the National Emergency Rescue Team (Hainan), the Emergency and Trauma Clinical Medicine Center, Trauma Medicine Teaching, Trauma First Aid Clinical Service Points, and Trauma Academician Workstation, we will launch the excellent benefits in the disaster and trauma occurrence mechanism, rescue standards, and the Hainan Province's disaster and trauma occurrence mechanism in terms of treatment and other associated studies. Another dominant position of our laboratory is that it can create relevant emergency medications, medical equipment, and appliances by employing the plentiful local drug resources in Hainan province.

Research Direction 1: Construction and Evaluation of Trauma and Disaster Rescue System

Research Direction 2: Molecular Mechanisms of Trauma Critical Illness and Complications Development

Research Direction 3: Development and Transformation of Trauma and Disaster Rescue Materials and Devices

海南省生物材料与医疗器械工程研究中心/海南省创伤与灾难救援研究重点实验室版权所有 ©2024

地       址:海南省海口市龙华区学院路3号力行楼C栋1层



