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SCI 论文写作注意事项
发布时间:2022-05-13 发布者: 浏览次数:

SCI 论文写作注意事项

No. 1 句子结句——短句是准则


据统计,1600 年,平均每个英文句子有 40 到 60 个单词;1900 年,平均每个英文句子有 21 个单词;1970 年,平均每个句子有 17 个单词;而现在,平均每个英语句子只有 12 到 17 个单词。由此可见,现代英语的发展趋势是由繁至简的。


No. 2 可数名词和不可数(物质)名词

– sensor     one sensor, two sensors, three sensors
– mice         one mouse, two mice, three mice
– fish           one fish, two fish, three fish
– water        one drop of water, two liters of water, three flasks of water
       No. 3 逗号的正确使用方法
The equipment that we used was made by the XX Company.
The equipment which we used was made by the XX Company.

The equipment, which we used, was made by the XX Company.
The equipment, which was made in Shanghai, was very expensive.
当你校对标点符号的使用时,要特别注意以下单词:that、which 和 who;此时应再次确认,此信息是重要信息还是是可以省略的多余信息。
– 如果此信息是重要的,切勿使用逗号。
– 如果此信息是附加的、不重要的,必须使用逗号。
         No. 4 动词时态
In this study, a number of functional and structural properties of sodium were compared to determine the underlying reason for the
observed functional changes.
Assessment of size using standard denaturing gel conditions showed multiple bands whose size was consistent with discrete
oligomeric forms of A.
Alzheimer’s disease is a fatal progressive dementia.
The amino acid sequence of the synthetic Vpu (1-40) peptides used in this study is shown in Figure 1A.
现在完成时用于指代持续有效的已经进行过的研究或过去 开始的现正正在进行的动作:
The current state of GPCR research has evolved in large measure from observations made in two parallel systems.
Jones et al have shown that …
– 介绍性的语言的时态应该主要使用现在时和现在完成时。

– 描述材料和方法的语言的时态应该主要使用一般过去时。
– 对于结果和讨论的描述,结果应该主要使用过去时;而对于其他研究的观察一般使用现在时或现在完成时。
         No. 5 冠词使用规则
“the”指代当前情况:We began the experiment;
“the”指代常识:The situation in Iraq is deteriorating;
“the”指代之前提到的名词:We tested a new measuring device and a new mixer. The new mixer worked well.
We planned a new experiment.
The fluid was separated with a centrifuge.
冠词的使用取决于冠词出现的上下文以及冠词之后名词的类型。什么时候使用“a/an”或者“the”(所有例句选自最近的 ACS Chemical Biology):The emergence of antibiotic resistance poses a major threat to human health, prompting interest in the exploration of new antibiotic targets.
Zinc is the second most abundant “trace” element in the body.This metal ion is vital for normal cellular function as a cofactor in numerous enzymes, in transcription factors, in the immune system, and in the reproductive system.
These data provided solid evidence that the observed IgG antibody response is T-cell dependent.
       No. 6 词首词词大小写问题
有客户最近向理文编辑咨询关于地名和地理学术语如何正确大写的问题。因为中文不牵涉大写问题,所以中文词语的作者可能会有点迷惑。其实大写问题对于英语母语的作者而言也不太容易理顺。大写问题虽然棘手,但是下面的小贴士会对您有所帮助。一般而言定义明确的地区的首写词要大写,以下是 The Economist Style Guide 的建议:
“Use upper case for definite geographical places, regions, areasand countries, and for vague but recognised political or geographical
areas…lower case for east, west, north, south except when part of a name.”
( 大写用于明确的地理学位置、地区、区域、国家以及模糊但是被认可的行政或地理区域。east, west, north, south 等用小写,但当他们是名称一部分的时候除外。)
这条通用法则也适用于地球表面的地带,如 North Temperate Zone, the Equator 等。
– 通常而言,指南针上的方位(如 north, southeast 等)和形容词(如 western, central, upper, lower 等)不需要大写
– 专有名词中的一般地理学名词需要首字母大写,如 Atlantic Ocean, Mt. Muztagata 等
– 首字母大写的地理学名词之后的一般术语不需要大写,如Yangtze River valley
– 名词复数要小写,如 Gobi and Taklamakan deserts
– “the”只有在其为正式地名一部分的时候才大写,如 The Bahamas, the Netherlands
关于某个地名如果你不清楚正确的大写方法,你可以在Google Scholar上搜索一下(http://scholar.google.com/)。多数人的意见不见得就是正确的,但是可以给你一些关于正确大写的线索。请记住,你写作的目的是要清楚地表述你的科研成果。注意正确的大写不仅仅是为了遵守某些专断的规则,你的论文需要正确运用大写的原因是,给读者一个关于你的采集地的更精确的概念,特别是当他们还不熟悉你的研究领域的时候。

Upper case (大写举例)
– East Asia
– South-East Asia
– Central Asia
– Central America
– North Korea
– South Africa
– the North Atlantic

– the Middle East
– The Arctic
– The Hague
– The Gambia
Lower case (小写举例)
– central Europe
– western China
– southern Beijing
– western Mongolia
– eastern Africa
– northern North Korea
– the central Gobi
– the lower Yangtze River
– the Philippines
The Columbia Gazetteer of
the World (http://www.columbiagazetteer.org/) 或 者 MerriamWebster’s Geographical Dictionary 可能会对你有所帮助。
The Economist Style Guide, Capitalization – PlacesCouncil of Science Editors, Style Manual Committee.Scientific Style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers, 7th ed. Reston (VA): The Council; 2006. Section 9.7.3, Pg. 120
       No. 7 常见易混单词


affect = A, effect = B, capability = C, capacity = D, continually = E, continuous = F, adverse = G, aversion = H
1. The _______ conditions caused by the hurricane prevented the plane from taking off.
2. Despite the skill of its employees, the small factory did not have the ________ to produce large amounts of goods.
3. The _________ noise of the waves crashing on the beach was very relaxing.
4. Luckily, the medicine did not adversely ______ the patient.
5. Because he had not received any training, John did not have the __________ to repair the complicated machinery.
6. Many scientists believe that global warming is the ______ of greenhouse-gas emissions.
7. Because of she is a vegetarian, Susan had an ________ to the idea of going to the Korean Barbeque restaurant.
8. The website is ___________ updated.
1. capability/capacitycapability: a certain ability, the quality of being capable, apotential aptitude.
capacity: the ability to contain; the volume or amount that fits in a certain container.
2. compliment/complement
complement: a worthy addition (n.)

(e.g., The girl’s pink cheeks were the perfect complement to her dark eyes.)
compliment: to praise (v.); a piece of praise (n.)
(e.g., The girl accepted the compliment with a shy blush.)
3. trial/trail
This is often the result of a simple typing error.
trial: a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness of something (e.g., clinical trial). It also refers to the number of
repetitions of an experiment.
trail: a marked or established path or route, or a course followed or to be followed (e.g., mountain trail).
4. intercellular/intracellular
intercellular: located between cells
intracellular: occurring or situated within a cell or cells (e.g., intracellular fluid).
5. principal/principle
principal (adjective): chief, main, leading, most important.
principal (noun): the most important person or group of people (“After much debate, the two principals reached an agreement”); the
head of a school (the principal person in the administration); borrowed money (as distinct from interest).
principle (always a noun): a rule, standard, law, guideline, or doctrine.
6. adverse/averse
adverse: bad, opposed
(e.g., Benjamin ate zongzi every day for lunch and suffered no adverse effects.)
averse: feeling unwilling; experiencing distaste
(e.g., Benjamin’s mother was averse to the idea of an all-zongzi lunch.)
7. affect/effect
affect (verb): “to influence”
(e.g., Xiao Wang’s wild partying on Thursday night affected his performance on the history test.)
effect (noun): “result”
(e.g., Xiao Wang’s wild partying on Thursday night had a terrible effect on his performance on the history test.)
8. continually/continuously
continual: repeatedly (e.g., For two weeks, the travelers continually went on trips to the Great Wall.)
continuous: without interruption (e.g., The flow of water is continuous.)
9. criterion/criteria
criterion: singular form (e.g., one criterion)
criteria: plural form (e.g., some criteria)
10. ensure/insure
ensure: “to make sure or certain”
insure: “to guarantee with insurance against risk or loss of life”
*However, in American English, “insure” can be used for both of these meanings.
参考答案: 1) G 2) D 3)F 4) A 5) C 6) B 7) H 8) E

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