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博士 2013.5-2017.1 德国 柏林工业大学 物理化学

硕士 2005.8-2008.6 中国 山东师范大学 分析化学

学士 2001.8-2005.6 中国 山东师范大学 化学


研究员 2024.1-至今 中国 海南医科大学

副研究员 2018.8-2023.12 中国 海南医学院

博士后研究员 2017.1-2018.8 德国 柏林莱布尼茨分析科学研究所

助理研究员 2008.7-2013.5 中国 中科院青岛生物能源与过程所




主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、地区项目、海南省重点研发计划等多项项目。相关研究工作取得的成果目前已在 Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Coordination Chemical Reviews, ACS Sensors等期刊发表高水平论文40余篇,IF最高20.6。论文总引700余次,单篇最高引用300余次。参编学术专著1部,申请国家发明专利6项。


(1)国家自然科学基金地区项目,项目批准号:82360417,项目名称:可控纳米柱阵列SERS芯片用于浆液性卵巢癌外泌体表型数字化多重分析的研究,直接经费:32万元,起止年月:2024.01- 2027.12,邢艳珑,主持,在研

(2)国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目批准号:21904030,项目名称:基于表面增强拉曼光谱法的微流控芯片检测肿瘤外泌体用于卵巢癌精准诊断,直接经费:25万元,起止年月:2020.01- 2022.12,邢艳珑,主持,结题

(3)海南省重点研发计划(社会发展方向),项目批准号:ZDYF2024SHFZ131,项目名称:基于SERS-荧光双模式的多功能微流控芯片检测肿瘤外泌体用于浆液性卵巢癌早期精准诊断,直接经费:39万元,起止年月:2024.04- 2027.04,邢艳珑,主持,在研

(4)海南省重点研发计划(社会发展方向),项目批准号:ZDYF2019130,项目名称:基于微流控芯片上癌症外泌体的快速分离与即时检测研究,直接经费:45万元,起止年月:2019.04- 2021.04,邢艳珑,主持,结题


2. 近五年代表性学术成果

(1)Xingya Chen,1 Jingshi Tang,1 Yueyue Zhao,1 Rui Wang, Shenggang Sang,* Fabiao Yu,* Yanlong Xing*, Sensitive phenotyping of serum extracellular vesicles on a SERS-microfluidic platform for early-stage clinical diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2025, 267, 116724. (通讯作者,IF=10.4,中科院一区top)

(2)Ting Wang1, Qingyuan Liu1, Xingya Chen, Yueyue Zhao, Yan Chen, Rui Wang, Fabiao Yu*, Yanlong Xing*, Imaging and tracking of tumor extracellular vesicles to unravel the progression of ovarian carcinoma using fluorescent membrane probes, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 415, 135975. (通讯作者,IF=8.4,中科院一区top)

(3)Yun He,1 Yanlong Xing,1* Tongmeng Jiang, Juan Wang, Shenggang Sang, Hong Rong* and Fabiao Yu*. Fluorescent labelling of extracellular vesicles for diverse bio-applications in vitro and in vivo, Chemical Communication, 2023, 59,6609-6626(通讯作者,IF=4.3,中科院二区)

(4)Xiaoyue Han,1 Yanlong Xing,1* Xinyu Song, Kun Dou, Fabiao Yu,* Lingxin Chen,* Bioimaging of glutathione variation for early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma using a liver-targeting ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probe, Journal of Material Chemistry B, 2023,11, 6612-6620 (通讯作者,IF=6.1,中科院二区)

(5)Ting Wang1, Yanlong Xing1*, Ziyi Cheng, Fabiao Yu*, Analysis of Single Extracellular Vesicles for Biomedical Applications with Especial Emphasis on Cancer Investigations, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 152, 116604 (第一作者,IF=12.296,中科院一区)

(6)Xinyu Song,∥ Song Bai,∥ Na He, Rui. Wang, Yanlong Xing,* Changjun Lv,* and Fabiao Yu*, Real-Time Evaluation of Hydrogen Peroxide Injuries in Pulmonary Fibrosis Mice Models with a Mitochondria-Targeted Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe, ACS Sensors. 2021, 6, 1228-1239. (通讯作者,IF:7.333中科院一区)

(7)Yanlong Xing,‡ Linlu Zhao,‡ Ziyi Cheng, Chuanzhu Lv,* Feifei Yu,* and Fabiao Yu* Microfluidics-Based Sensing of Biospecies, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4 ,2160−2191.(第一作者,ACS专刊邀稿,IF: 4.02)

(8)Yanlong Xing, Ziyi Cheng, Rui Wang, Chuanzhu Lv*, Tony D. James*, Fabiao Yu*, Analysis of extracellular vesicles as emerging theranostic nanoplatforms, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2020, 424, 213506. (第一作者,IF:15.367中科院一区)

(9)Yuxia Zou, Mingshun Li, Yanlong Xing,* Tingting Duan, Xuejun Zhou,* and Fabiao Yu*, Bioimaging of Glutathione with a Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe and Its Potential Application for Surgery Guide in Laryngeal Cancer. ACS Sensors, 2020, 5, 242-249. (通讯作者,IF:7.333中科院一区)

(10)Liting Yan, Huimin Jiang, Yanlong Xing,* Ying Wang, Dandan Liu, Xin Gu, Pengcheng Dai, Liangjun Li, Xuebo Zhao,* Nickel metal–organic framework implanted on graphene and incubated to be ultrasmall nickel phosphide nanocrystals acts as a highly efficient water splitting electrocatalyst. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 1682-1691. (通讯作者,IF:10.733中科院一区)

(11)一种用于生物样本分离和富集的微流控芯片;专利申请号:202011576634.3 (国家发明专利,申请人排名1/6)

(12)一种用于生物样本多模态分析的微流控芯片;专利申请号:2022116847506 (国家发明专利,申请人排名4/12)

(13)一种SERS探针生物传感器及其制备方法和使用方法,专利申请号:202210379218.7 (国家发明专利,申请人排名5/10)



1.海南省生物医学工程学会理事 2022.10-2026.10

2.海南省免疫学会分会副主任委员 2022.11-2026.11

3.海南省女科学家协会常务理事、副会长 2022.12-2026.12

4.海南省青年科技工作者协会副会长 2023.10-2028.10






八、联系方式: xingyanlong@muhn.edu.cn

