1) Fengqin Yan, Zhenfu Fu, Guo Li, Zhiguo Wang. In Silico Investigation of the Molecular Mechanism of PARP1 Inhibition for the Treatment of BRCA-Deficient Cancers. Molecules. 2023 Feb 15;28(4):1829. (并列通讯,IF: 4.927,中科院二区)
2) Yue Wang, Guo Li , Tong Meng, Lin Qi, Hui Yan, Zhiguo Wang. Molecular insights into the selective binding mechanism targeting parallel human telomeric G-quadruplex. J Mol Graph Model. 2021 Oct 29;110:108058. (并列一作,IF: 2.518,中科院四区)
3) Lihui Wang, Ruping Chen, Guo Li, Zhiguo Wang, Jun Liu, Ying Liang, Jun-Ping Liu. FBW7 Mediates Senescence and Pulmonary Fibrosis through Telomere Uncapping. Cell Metab. 2020 Nov 3;32(5):860-877.e9.(并列一作,IF: 27.283,中科院一区)
4) Jian-Feng Li, Jia-Xin Zhang, Guo Li, Yan-Yan Xu, Kai Lu, Zhi-Guo Wang, Jun-Ping Liu. Antimicrobial activity and mechanism of peptide CM4 against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Food Funct. 2020 Aug 19;11(8):7245-7254.(并列一作,IF: 5.392,中科院一区)
5) Zhiguo Wang, Guo Li, Zhou Tian, Xiaoqin Lou, Yining Huang, Lihui Wang, Jianfeng Li, Tingjun Hou, Jun-Ping Liu. Insight Derived from Molecular Dynamics Simulation into the Selectivity Mechanism Targeting c-MYC G-Quadruplex. J Phys Chem B. 2020 Nov 5;124(44):9773-9784.(并列一作,IF: 2.992,中科院三区)
6) Li G, Wang HQ, Wang LH, Chen RP, Liu JP. Distinct pathways of ERK1/2 activation by hydroxy-carboxylic acid receptor-1. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 26;9(3):e93041.(一作和并列通讯,IF3.534, 中科院三区)
7) Huawang Sun, Guo Li, Wenjuan Zhang, Qi Zhou, Yena Yu, Ying Shi, Stefan Offermanns, Jianxin Lu, Naiming Zhou. Niacin activates the PI3K/Akt cascade via PKC- and EGFR-transactivation-dependent pathways through hydroxyl-carboxylic acid receptor 2. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 6;9(11):e112310. (并列一作,IF3.534, 中科院三区)
8) Li G, Zhou Q, Yu Y, Chen L, Shi Y, Luo J, Benovic JL, Lu J, Zhou N. Identification and Characterization of Distinct C-terminal Domains of the Human Hydroxy- Carboxylic Acid Receptor-2 that are Essential for Receptor Export, Constitutive Activity, Desensitization and Internalization. Mol Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;82(6):1150-61(一作,IF4.883,中科院二区)
9) Qi Zhou, Guo Li, Xiaoyan Deng, and Naiming Zhou. Activated Human Hydroxy-Carboxylic Acid Receptor-3 Signals to MAP Kinase Cascades via the PLC-Dependent PKC and MMP-Mediated EGFR Pathways.Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Jul;166(6):1756-73. (并列一作,IF5.067, 中科院二区)
10) Guo Li, Xiaoyan Deng, Ying Shi, Haishan Huang and Naiming Zhou. Distinct Kinetic and Spatial Patterns of PKC- and EGFR-Dependent Activation of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinases 1 and 2 by Human Nicotinic Acid Receptor GPR109A. J Biol Chem. 2011 Sep 9;286(36):31199-212. (一作,IF5.328, 中科院二区)
11) Guo li, Ying Shi, Haishan Huang, Yaping Zhang, Naiming Zhou. INTERNALISATION OF THE HUMAN NICOTINIC ACID RECEPTOR GPR109A IS REGULATED BY Gi, GRK2 AND ARRESTIN3.Journal of biological chemistry.2010 Jul 16;285(29):22605-18. (一作, IF5.328, 中科院二区)
12) Huang H, Deng X, He X, Yang W, Li G, Shi Y, Shi L, Mei L, Gao J, Zhou N. Identification of distinct c-terminal domains of the Bombyx adipokinetic hormone receptor that are essential for receptor export, phosphorylation and internalization. Cell Signal. 2011 Sep;23(9):1455-65.
13) Yaping Zhang, Wen Yang, Linjie Chen, Ying Shi, Guo Li, Naiming Zhou. Development of a Novel DnaE Intein-based Assay for Quantitative Analysis of GPCR Internalization. Anal Biochem. 2011 Oct 1;417(1):65-72.
14) Haishan Huang, Xiaobai He, Guo Li, Yi Sun, Liangen Shi, Ying Shi, Jeffrey L. Benovic, Naiming Zhou. Bombyx Adipokinetic Hormone receptor Activates Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 1 and 2 via G Protein-Dependent PKA and PKC, but β-Arrestin-Independent Pathways. Biochemistry. 2010 Dec 28;49(51):10862-72.
15) Linjie Chen, Yaping Zhang, Guo Li, Haishan Huang, Naiming Zhou. Functional Characterization of a Naturally Occurring Trans-Splicing Intein from Synechococcus elongates in Mammalian Cell System. Anal Biochem. 2010 Dec 15;407(2):180-7.
16) Chenggang Zhu, Haishan Huang, Rongsheng Hua, Guo Li, Dong Yang, Jiansong Luo ,Cunxin Zhang, Liangen Shi, Jeffrey L. Benovic, Naiming Zhou. Molecular and functional characterization of adipokinetic hormone receptor and its peptide ligands in Bombyx mori . FEBS Letters 583 (2009) 1463–1468
17) Qian J, Wu C, Chen X, Li X, Ying G, Jin L, Ma Q, Li G, Shi Y, Zhang G, Zhou N. Differential requirements of arrestin-3 and clathrin for ligand-dependent and -independent internalization of human G protein-coupled receptor 40. Cell Signal. 2014 Nov;26(11):2412-23.
2011年12月至2017年8月,任杭州师范大学基础医学院衰老研究所 讲师
2017年9月至今,海南医学院基础医学与生命科学学院生物化学与分子生物学教研室 讲师