HainanMedicalUniversityis one of the HSK test center, tests from Jun. 2013 to Dec.2013 are arranged as following:
一、Testing time.
Timetable for 2013 Chinese Profiency Tests
Test Dates
| Deadline for Registration
| Date of Results
16th Jun.
| Sun.
| 20th May
| 16th Jul.
20th Oct.
| Sun.
| 23rd Sep.
| 20th Nov.
1st Dec.
| Sun.
| 4th Nov.
| 4th Jan. 2014
Timetable for 2013 Chinese Speaking Tests
Test Dates
| Deadline for Registration
| Date of Results Announced
1st Dec.
| Sun.
| 4th Nov.
| 4th Jan. 2014
| | | |
二、Registration address:
Address:School ofInternationalEducationHainanMedicalUniversity, Xueyuan Road Longhua DistrictHaikou,Hainan,China.
Tel:(0898)66989568 15289777556(Jiang Laoshi) 15289770717(Lilaoshi)
E-mail box:hnmu@yahoo.cn
三、Registration procedure.
1、Fill in the registration form.
2、Apply 2 photos(40mmX30mm),electronic photos(below 100KB,JPG/JPEG format)and one copy of passport.
3、Registration fee:
Writing Test
| Fee
| Speaking Test
| Fee
| 150 yuan
| Beginner Level
| 200yuan
| 250yuan
| 350yuan
| Intermediate Level
| 300yuan
| 450yuan
| 550yuan
| Advanced Level
| 400yuan
| 650yuan
(Registration fee is not refoundable)
4、Test admission ticket is printed or delivered 15 days before the test date. Test takers need to bring passport, HSK test ticket, 2B pencils and eraser when entering the exam room.