Notice on the New Semester of 2013
August.27, 2013
●Date for registrationin the university
August.28, 2013 (from 9:00 am to 12:00 am; from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm)
In the Student Affairs Office(Administration building room 005)
●Date for class beginning: Sept. 2, 2013
●Registration in Police Station
When you return toHaikoufrom abroad or other cities inChina, you must register in Chengxi Police Station within 24 hours with your original passport, passport copy and 1 inch photo.Otherwise you will get the warning for the first time, you will be punished for 500 yuan per day for the second time, and you will be sent to the police station for the third time, and there is a trouble for your visa.
●On accommodation
Students should live on campus for the first year. Those who want to live outside the campus after the first year should get the parents’ permission letter and through necessary procedures: get and submit the off-campus accommodation application (from the office); providing the contract; the room owner’s information and registering the new address in Chengxi police station.
Student should finish all the procedures within one week after the new academic year starts. This academic year starts onSept. 2, 2013, so the deadline for these procedures isSept. 6, 2013. Any application will not be accepted afterSept. 6, 2013, and these students should also pay the accommodation fees if they still want to live outside the campus after the deadline.
●The responsibility for all consequences caused by violating those mentioned above will be taken by students themselves.
Students Affairs Office