OnApril23rd,thefirstEnglishlecturing competitionof(MBBS)for youthteacherswassuccessfullyheldin HMUwithjudges,relatedteachersand studentsparticipated.18excellentyoung teachers fromdifferent schools which are SCM,SPHS,STL,SPS took part in the contest and they were divided intobasic and clinicalgroups.The competition eventually produced2first-prizewinners,4 second-prize, 6third-prizeas well assomeother awards.Huimin Huangfrom pediatricsandJing Zheng,Pathologyrespectively got the first place in individual groups.Besides,anatomyteacherDr.Jimmywas specially awarded asoutstanding foreign teachers.Finally one of the contestants will be selected to participate the first MBBS project of teaching in English for young teachers held in Guangzhou on June 3-6.
Presentation from clinical group
Presentation from basic group
Expert judgesobservetheclassdemonstration
Expert judgesscorefor the participating teachers
question and answer session
panel of expert judges and studentexchangeafter thecompetition