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王燕,女,1990年出生,博士,副研究员。研究领域为神经药理,主要研究耐药性癫痫和胶质母细胞瘤发生机制及相关新药研究开发。主持海南省自然科学基金和海南医学院科学研究项目4项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项。以第一作者(共同第一作者)/通讯作者(共同通讯作者)在Redox Biology、CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics、Frontiers in Pharmacology、Molecules、Brain Research等国内外杂志发表论文16篇,参编专著1部。AM J Med Genet B-Neuropsychiatric genetics、Int J Pharm、Nat Product和Biomedical Reports等杂志审稿专家。


1) 海南省自然科学基金,820RC630,Homer1b/c在海马锥体神经元过度自噬介导抗癫痫药物丙戊酸耐药发生中的作用,主持;

2) 海南省自然科学基金,819QN224,转录因子CREB介导细胞自噬参与癫痫大鼠丙戊酸耐药发生的机制研究,主持;

3) 海南省高等学校科学研究项目,25-2301,细胞自噬介导癫痫大鼠丙戊酸耐药发生的机制研究,主持;

4) 海南医学院2019年度科研培育基金,HYPY201909,细胞自噬介导癫痫大鼠丙戊酸耐药发生的机制研究,主持。


1) 耐药性癫痫发生机制

① Chang Li#, Yi Cai#, Yongmin Chen, Jingyi Tong, Youbin Li, Dong Liu, Yun Wang, Zhiping Li*, Yan Wang*, Qifu Li*. ABCG2 shields against epilepsy, relieves oxidative stress and apoptosis via inhibiting the ISGylation of STAT1 and mTOR. Redox Biology. 2024, 75: 103262.(中科院大类1区TOP,IF=10.2)

② Yan Wang#, *, Youbin Li#, Guangfei Wang, Jinmiao Lu, Zhiping Li*. Overexpression of Homer1b/c Induces Valproic Acid Resistance in Epilepsy. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2023, 29(1): 331-343.(中科院大类1区,IF=4.8)

③ Yan Wang, Guangfei Wang, Jie Tao, Xiaoxia Li, Lan Hu, Qin Li, Jinmiao Lu, Youbin Li*, Zhiping Li*. Autophagy Associated with the Efficacy of Valproic Acid in PTZ-induced Epileptic Rats. Brain Research. 2020, 1745: 146923.(中科院大类3区,IF=3.2)

④ Yan Wang, Zhiping Li*. Influence of age and co-medication on the concentration and efficacy of valproic acid in Chinese epilepsy children. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020, 33(2): 537-542.(中科院大类4区,IF=0.6)

⑤ Yan Wang, Zhiping Li*. Association of UGT2B7 and CAMK4 with response of valproic acid in Chinese children with epilepsy. Therapie. 2020, 75(3): 261-270.(中科院大类4区,IF=2.2)

⑥ Yan Wang, Zhiping Li*. RNA-seq analysis of blood of VPA-responsive and non-responsive pediatric patients with epilepsy. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2019, 18(1): 373-383. (中科院大类4区,IF=2.4)

⑦ Yan Wang, Zhiping Li*. CYP3A5*3 polymorphism may influence the concentration of valproic acid. International Journal of Pharmacology. 2017, 13(5): 495-500.(中科院大类4区,IF=0.7)

⑧ Yan Wang, Zhiping Li*. Utilization of antiepileptic drugs on monotherapy and polytherapy for children at Shanghai in China. International Journal of Pharmacology. 2016, 12(5): 496-504.(中科院大类4区,IF=0.7)

2) 抗癫痫及胶质母细胞瘤等疾病新药研究开发

① Yan Wang#, Yun Wang#, Chang Li, Dong Liu, Yi Cai*, Qifu Li*. Anti-epileptic mechanism of isopimaric acid from Platycladi cacumen based on network pharmacology, molecular docking and biological validation. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 2024, 28(3): 348. (中科院大类4区,IF=2.4)

② Yan Wang#, Youbin Li#, Dong Liu#, Danyang Zheng, Xiaogang Li, Chang Li, Caihui Huang, Yun Wang, Xuesong Wang, Qifu Li*, Junyu Xu*. A potential anti-glioblastoma compound LH20 induces apoptosis and arrest of human glioblastoma cells via CDK4/6 inhibition. Molecules. 2023, 28(13): 5047.(中科院大类2区,IF=4.2)

③ Yan Wang#, Zhongyv Xiong#, Chang Li#, Dong Liu, Xiaogang Li, Junyv Xu, Niangen Chen, Xuesong Wang, Qifu Li*, Youbin Li*. Multiple Beneficial Effects of Aloesone from Aloe Vera on LPS-induced RAW264.7 Cells, Including the Inhibition of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, M1 Polarization, and Apoptosis. Molecules. 2023, 28(4): 1617.(中科院大类2区,IF=4.2)

④ Zhongyu Xiong and Yan Wang*. Potential Targets and Mechanisms of Dalbergia Odorifera on Treating Lung Adenocarcinoma Explored by Network Pharmacology. International Journal of Pharmacology. 2023, 19(1): 52-63.(中科院大类4区,IF=0.7)

⑤ Yan Wang#, Chang Li#, Zhongyv Xiong, Niangen Chen, Xuesong Wang, Junyv Xu, Yuemei Wang, Longfeng Liu, Hang Wu, Caihui Huang, Aiqin Huang, Jiajia Tan, Youbin Li*, Qifu Li*. Up-and-coming anti-epileptic Effect of Aloesone in Aloe Vera: Evidenced by Integrating Network Pharmacological Analysis, in vitro, and in vivo Models. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022, 13: 962223.(中科院大类2区,IF=4.4)



