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发布日期:2023-06-29   作者:    点击:

曹文婷,中山大学流行病与卫生统计学专业博士,海南省高层次人才,海南省预防医学会生物统计委员会委员、海南省预防医学会营养学专业委员会委员、海南省卫生信息学会第二届委员会委员。主持海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目1项,海南医学院校级培育基金1项,横向课题4项,指导学生开展2项国家级、2项省级、4项校级大学生创新创业训练项目。在Transl NeurodegenerOsteoporos IntBoneGeneJ Am Med Dir AssocPhytother ResNutrients等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文共10余篇,其中第一/共一作者论文7篇,以第一作者/通讯作者发表中文论文10余篇,其中中文核心3篇,科技核心6篇。主要研究方向为膳食营养、生活行为等暴露因素与慢性疾病(骨质疏松、骨折、代谢综合征、癌症等)的流行病学研究。

Wenting Cao

Dr. Cao holds a PhD degree in Epidemiology and Health Statistics from Sun Yat-sen University, along with a Master degree in the same field. She is a dedicated member of various esteemed committees, including the Biostatistics Committee of Hainan Preventive Medicine Society, the Nutrition Committee of Hainan Preventive Medicine Society, and the second committee of Hainan Health Information Society.

Throughout the recent years, Dr. Cao has functioned as the primary investigator (PI) or Co-PI for several significant research projects, including one high-level talent project of the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, one school level cultivation fund of Hainan Medical University, and four horizontal projects. Demonstrating her commitment to mentoring students, Dr. Cao has supervised and guided their involvement in two national, two provincial, and four school level undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship training projects. Dr. Cao's exceptional research work is showcased through her publication record, which includes 10 SCI papers in the internationally renowned journals such as Transl Neurogene, Osteoporos Int, Bone, Gene, J Am Med Dir Assoc, Phyther Res, Nutrients, etc., Among these publications, she has authored or co-authored 7 papers has the first or co-first author. Additionally, she has published over 10 papers in Chinese where she assumes the role of the first author or corresponding author. Among these Chinese papers, she has contributed to 3 core papers and 6 technical core papers.

Dr. Cao's primary research focus revolves around epidemiological investigations, particularly in the areas of dietary nutrition, lifestyle behavior, and chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, fractures, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. Her expertise and dedication make her a valuable asset in advancing knowledge and understanding in these crucial fields.