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发布时间:2025-02-26 发布者: 浏览次数:











Scheme 1 (a) The structure of this QMOH-Gal probe and response mechanism to β-gal. (b) The QMOH-Gal probe for tracking cellular senescence in vivo.



FIGURE 1 Spectral properties of the probe QMOH-Gal (10 μM) to β-gal in PBS containing 5% DMSO (pH = 7.4, 10 mM). (a) The ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum and (b) the fluorescence spectrum of QMOH-Gal (10 μM) for β-gal (0–500 U/L, λex = 640 nm, slit widths: 5/5 nm). (c) The linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity of QMOH-Gal and β-gal (0–400 U/L). (d) The reaction of QMOH-Gal to a series of various analytes: (1) blank, (2) β-gal (500 U/L), (3) esterase (500 U/L), (4) ALP (500 U/L), (5) AFU (100 U/L), (6) Cys (1 mM), (7) Hcy (1 mM), (8) GSH (1 mM), (9) BSA (100 μg/ml), 10. HClO (100 μM), (11) NaNO2 (100 μM), (12) H2O2 (100 μM), (13) Cl (100 μM), (14) Na+ (100 μM), (15) K+ (100 μM). Fluorescence spectrum at 740 nm of QMOH-Gal (e) with time change and (f) pH effect to β-gal at 37°C.


FIGURE 2  Visualization imaging of intracellular β-gal. (a) X-Gal staining of endogenous β-gal in LO2 cells and DOX-induced LO2 senescent cells, HepG2 cells and XL413-induced HepG2 senescent cells, and 4T1 cells and palbociclib-induced 4T1 senescent cells. (b) Fluorescence imaging of β-gal with QMOH-Gal in LO2 cells and DOX-induced LO2 senescent cells, HepG2 cells and XL413-induced HepG2 senescent cells, and 4T1 cells and palbociclib-induced 4T1 senescent cells. (c) Relative fluorescent intensities in LO2 cells and DOX-induced LO2 senescent cells. (d) Relative fluorescent intensities in HepG2 cells and XL413-induced HepG2 senescent cells. (e) Relative fluorescent intensities in 4T1 cells and palbociclib-induced 4T1 senescent cells. λex = 640 nm, λem = 680–770 nm. Scale bars: 50 μm.


FIGURE 3 Imaging endogenous β-gal in mice. (a) Imaging β-gal in the mouse peritoneal cavity at different time points (0–90 min). (b) Schematic diagram of mouse tumor and senescence tumor modeling. (c) H&E and Ki67 staining for mouse tumors and palbociclib-induced tumor senescence. (d) Imaging of β-gal in mice tumor and senescence tumor modeling. (e) Relative fluorescence intensity in (d). λex = 640 nm, λem = 680–770 nm.



In summary, we developed a novel lysosome NIR fluorescent probe (QMOH-Gal) for sensitive and rapid monitoring of β-gal, which exhibits excellent properties such as good biocompatibility, high selectivity and sensitivity, as well as a wide linear range. This probe can not only be used to distinguish senescent cells from other non-senescent cells but also for visual tracking of β-gal detection in zebrafish models. Importantly, the probe has also been successfully applied for the precise tracking of β-gal in aging tumors, contributing to the diagnosis of age-related diseases. We believe that the designed probe may serve as an effective tool for studying age-related diseases.

    以上研究论文以“A β-galactosidase Activated Near-infrared Fluorescent Probe for Tracking Cellular Senescence In Vitro and In Vivo”为题发表于 Smart Molecules 期刊,论文第一作者为海南医科大学临床专业博士生苏天,通讯作者为海南医科大学于法标教授和罗贤柱助理研究员。

海南省生物材料与医疗器械工程研究中心/海南省创伤与灾难救援研究重点实验室版权所有 ©2024

地       址:海南省海口市龙华区学院路3号力行楼C栋1层



